"Sometimes, Your wellness journey starts with a disc injury."
After you make the decision to be Healthy, you might realize there are some damaged areas of your body that need to be addressed. This is why we have the option for Spinal Decompression.
DOC Spinal Decompression
The Decompression of Choice (DOC) is a non invasive method of applying distractive forces to the spine through controlled tensions. It is designed to apply decompression forces to intervertebral discs.
The Decompression1 of Choice (DOC) may be used for back pain, neck pain, herniated discs, protruding discs, degenerative disc disease, sciatica and posterior facet syndromes.
So What is a Bulging Disc?
The vertebral disc is made up of two parts; a nucleus pulpous and an annulus fibrosis.
The nucleus is the inner part of the disc and is a thick fluid type substance. The nucleus allows the disc to withstand forces of compression and torsion.
The annulus fibrosis is the outer ring of the disc. It is made up of ligament fibers. The job of the annulus is to hold the nucleus in place while at the same connecting with the vertebra above and below.
When the disc becomes unhealthy and/or there is an increased amount of pressure applied to the disc in an inappropriate way, the inner nucleus can push out against the annulus and cause the disc to bulge.
This can be painful and if the disc touches a nerve, you may get radiating pain into your extremities.
Spinal decompression attempts to pull the vertebra apart, causing a negative pressure inside the disc, allowing the nucleus to return to the middle of the disc. This should decrease pain and return proper function to the joint.
Cervical Disc Bulge
Many times a person with a disc problem in their neck will complain of shoulder pain, upper arm pain or pain into the upper back between the shoulder blade and the spine.
They will also eventually get numbness or tingling into their hand. Depending on which fingers get numb or tingle will give us a clue as to which nerve is being effected.
Decompression allows us to get the disc off the nerve and restore proper function, allowing for the pain, numbness or tingling to go away.