Omega 3 Fatty Acids
The ratio between Omega 6 : Omega 3 fatty acids might be the most overlooked status in our entire bodies.
Omega 6's are Inflammatory and Omega 3's are Anti-Inflammatory. Almost all chronic diseases in the human body have an element of increased inflammation. Testing, measuring and correcting this ratio is vital for achieving good heath.

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Omega 3's are Anti-Inflammatory
When we eat Omega 6's in the presence of insulin our body makes Arachidonic Acid that turns into Inflammation. This leads to pain, swelling, scar tissue, etc.
When we eat Omega 3's they neutralize the Arachidonic Acid and block the Inflammation.
Too much inflammation is related to almost all chronic health conditions.
The Mitochondria are the Power Plants of the cell. This is where we make the ATP (the fuel) that powers the cell. Each time we make an ATP, we also make a Free Radical. A Free Radical is a small, angry molecule that will attack the Mitochondria and cause damage.
Antioxidants stop Free Radicals from attacking and damaging the Mitochondria.
The major Antioxidant is Glutathione. Glutathione is made from three Amino Acids that are transported into the cell and assembled.
The cell wall is made up of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 6's make the cell wall rigid. Omega 3's make the cell wall fluid.
The average American has an Omega 6:3 ratio of 25:1. This decreases the cells ability to make Glutathione, allowing Free Radicals to attach the Mitochondria, resulting in Mitochondrial Dysfunction.
If you turn off the power to the cell, the cell dies. If enough cells die, the tissue dies. If enough tissue dies, the organ dies. If organs die, we die!