We are excited to be able to add the InBody 570 Scan technology to The Rock! This technology increases our ability to make more accurate recommendations to improve your health. We encourage you to make arrangements to complete your InBody 570 scan.
Monitoring your weight is NOT the full picture!
Weight can be misleading when used as an indicator of health. Anyone may experience frustration when their bright shows no change, even with exercise and an improved nutrition. Your body is a complex structure made of different components: such as body water, fat and muscle. Your body cannot be expressed with one simple number.
InBody Test will show you a
TRUE assessment of your body!
To thoroughly learn about your body and its condition, take the InBody Test. In less that 60 seconds, the InBody not only examines the compositions of your body, but also reveals percentage of body fat, muscle distribution, and body water balance: components that are key in understanding more about your body.
Track your progress with the InBody Test!
Taking the InBody Test once will give you a snapshot of your body in that moment of time. However, taking the InBody Test consistently will give you a timetable of your progress. Watch the improvements from exercise and diet and do not let your hard work go to waste.
